March 27. 2020 Parent Letter
Dear Parents,
Good afternoon. As a result of the March 17th announcement from Gov. DeSantis stating that all public and private schools would be closed through April 15th, we face many challenges– physically, spiritually and emotionally. The teachers, school board, and parent organization have all been working diligently behind the scenes to provide support and develop a plan of action as we maneuver through this unprecedented crisis. As each day brings new information to the table, this has been no easy task.
We understand communication is of utmost importance, especially during this uncertain time. We will continue to update and connect with families through emails, the school website, Facebook (Tree House official page, Primary West private group, Primary East private group, Pre-Primary private group, and TH parent private group page). Additionally, each classroom has been set up on Zoom for teachers to send recorded messages, stories, and more. Live Zoom is coming! Lead teachers have provided learning packets for each child. Use these packets as they work best for your family. New packets will be available for pick up on Tuesday for Primary students. Watch for an email from your teachers. Most parents are not classroom teachers. We realize that you do not have the classroom materials in your home, and that is okay! You all have so much to teach your children outside of the classroom. The main objective is for you to provide a calm and safe environment for your children. Let them feel the love and comfort only you can provide.
The financial considerations at the center of this crisis are far reaching for our families, our teachers and the long-term viability of our school. As with many schools, The Tree House is grappling with how tuition and fees will be impacted by the move to remote learning for these weeks. The remittance of tuition helps us support and retain our staff, whom we greatly value.
However, we realize that many families are finding it difficult to manage the logistics of having children at home while still working. Even more challenging are the families whose livelihoods have been seriously compromised by the inability to work outside the home. We are here to support you and work with you in partnership.
One step that the board has taken is to delay collection of any tuition payments until 4/15. We have asked TADS to disable autopay for those families whose drafts are between 4/1 and 4/14. If you need extra time, please email Summer to make additional arrangements. We are hopeful that a few extra weeks will allow some breathing room and that we will all have a better understanding of the situation and full implications in the upcoming weeks. The board will meet again next week to determine if further tuition adjustments will be offered.
We would be happy to discuss any of these topics with you. If your family needs immediate assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are called to take care of one another.
God’s peace,
Summer Stough, Head of School
Dale Dalbey, School Board Chair
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